40th Reunion Information
May 31 - June 3, 2018

The great 40th Reunion party of 2018 will take place at Dod-McCormick Courtyard. Plans are underway for a headquarters site worthy of 78's Top 40th.
Area Hotels
On-Campus --- Our class has a limited number of rooms set aside for us on campus. If you would like to reserve a bed for the weekend, be sure to register early. If all the beds are taken, you still can sign up for a wait-list, and have a chance to grab a coveted on-campus bed if one becomes available.

Tiger Camp
Open to all alumni children in major and satellite reunion years, TIGER CAMP is the cool place for kids to be at Reunions! Registration for Tiger Camp will open in late winter. As soon as registration opens, we will post a link here.
Golf Cart Rental
Alumni returning for Reunions 2018 can rent personal golf carts from Princeton University's Office of Alumni Affairs, starting in late winter. As soon as the reservations open, we will post a link here.